Friday, October 31, 2014

How do I love life?

Well, that's a good question.
Let's see how I can answer this one.
When I was a kid, my parents taught me about God, about homework (I am more unto playing computer games , actually) and about good conducts.
But do they taught me about loving life?
Nah, I don't think so. It's more on enjoying, right?
Oh, the loving part would be loving my parents back then. But about loving life? Nope.
When I went to school until I reached college, teachers taught me on my academics (Religion and English were one of my faves back then) and about relationships with peers (crushes and love at first sights included, blushing...).
But do they taught me about loving life?
Nah, I don't think so. It's more on enjoying again, right?
Oh, the loving part there would be loving my crushes, and girlfriends. I can magnetize girls with my looks.
Just kidding. I am very shy when it comes to relationships in girls and yet they like me (still blushing).
When I got work after graduating college, my work taught me about punctuality, work ethics, getting money and other stuff about work.
But do it taught me about loving life?
Nah, I don't think so. It's more on enjoying again and again, right.
Enjoying pleasures and leisure from the hard-earned money and spend it all for enjoyment.
Then, I entered a Christian community so that I can really know more about God.
And I did.
I did learn more on my spiritual aspect. About God. About neighbors. About how to be saved and how to be holy. About tithes. About charity.
But do it taught me about loving life?
Well, it doesn't state on how to love the life I have right now. It's more on the loving of God and neighbors and other serious spiritual stuff like the 2nd coming of Jesus, premonitions of Mama Mary and even the End Times.
Scary, isn't it?
But that's the sad truth.
Anyways, when I heard of this so-called I Love Life retreat, which was introduced here in Cebu for the very first time as I attended the Feast gathering on a Thursday of August, I got so excited to know more about it. Learning more about it and experiencing this kind of retreat.
As the months passed by, the retreat has started.
Already to go. Packed everything needed. And even prayed a lot that I may learn and enjoy this retreat.
And WOW.....
I never thought that this retreat can bring so much impact on my entire existence here on earth.
I never cried so much on my life.. It's a bucketful of tears, really.
At the end of it all, i feel so much overwhelming and oozing love from the retreat. Even I got to be friends with all of the participants (amazing right? A shy person got new friends from total strangers)
And to sum it up from all the retreats I have undergone, this one's the best retreat ever in my entire life.
Whew, I was sooooooo overwhelm that even my love tank overflows as I write this. Funny thing is that I can go on and on with this one.
Now, on a serious note. Let's go back to the question: how do I love life?
It's simple.
I need to love myself first and foremost.
Hold your horses, I know what you're thinking, right?
"We need to love God first above all things." Is your answer, am I right?
Now, I'll post my answer into a question: how can I love God first if I don't even love my own self?
Well, I can truly relate to that.
Here's the answer.
I need to love myself first so that I can know my worth, my purpose, my calling, my uniqueness, my imperfections and even my behaviour towards myself and others.
I even question myself, "Why me?"
I'm imperfect. I'm abnormal (that's pretty much harsh) due to my sicknesses. 
That question was answered on the retreat. Just love myself. Period.
And when I love myself, I become more vulnerable to God's calling and to my neighbors (family, friends, relatives, etc...) as well.
In return, I become more appreciative of life I have. I begin to love life ahead of me.
I become more excited about the life I am heading towards to. Excited for my ups and downs in life. My dreams and goals in life. Everything.
So, if you wonder how to love your life more.
Begin to love yourself and you'll find true love in your life.