“Work from home? Nah. I don’t think so.”
This was what I thought when I heard it the first time way back.
After graduating from college, my first instinct is to get a job. Get work from a company.
I was doing work in offices the whole day, doing the tasks I was assigned and even get overtimes when needed.
The good part: huge salary.
Yes. That’s what I’m after before. The salary.
To buy and buy more things and ended up with no savings.
The worst part: I relied too much on the salary.
Sometimes, I become a millionaire for days. Sometimes, I get broke.
I admit. I got too caught up with my salary that I got no time to save it.
Then, it hit me last year.
Last year on September, I resigned from my job. My job in a company.
Then by December, I recalled “work from home” from way back.
Although, I attended several seminars and even read books about work from home careers. I wasn’t thinking about it much previously.
But now, I am thinking of trying it out.
One of my new goals this year was to do work from home jobs.
At first, I wasn’t sure if this suits me.
I normally go to work for a company with a physical office over the past years. Working in a company is good but not enough.
Don’t get me wrong. It is good to work in a company because it gives a lot of benefits and friends with bonuses and other allowances.
Apparently, it kills my time.
My time, supposedly for myself, is concentrated more on office works and in the company, travels towards the office and other trainings.
Apart from that, whenever I had nothing to do, I get bored and think of ways to get boredom out by playing games or going out of the office to kill the time.
When I started the journey of working from home last week of December, I researched first on the how to’s.
Ways on how to build my profile. Ways on how to build my resume to stand out. ways on how to apply for jobs online.
It’s a bit a journey.
After building my profile and took some tests on skills, I applied for jobs that could use the skills I have been using for the longest time. These are my software testing and writing skills.
I applied a LOT, really. It took me at least 30 to 40 jobs submissions just to get my first job.
My very first job was amazing.
I wasn’t the one who applied for that specific job. The client was looking for me!
I can’t believe that someone notices my skills even though I haven’t applied for them.
And so, I took the job. It wasn’t easy though because I wasn’t confident yet to start doing content writing tasks.
Yep. You read that right.
Content writing.
It was my first time to do so. And so, I took the chance and grabbed that job.
And after grabbing that one, another client showed up and hired me.
This time, it’s more on the virtual assistance job I was aiming for.
And that’s it. That’s my journey of how I got to be a virtual assistant today.
Currently, I am looking for more chances of winning other online jobs that can catapult my salary and even my opportunities to go abroad. I am so looking forward to that moment!
By the way, what are the perks of doing online jobs at home?
There are tons! But to name a few, here are some of the benefits of working from home.
No more travel time. Yes! It really kills time due to heavy traffic. When I was still working in a company every single day, I travel from home to the office for almost two hours. Same goes when going home, another two hours. There are so many things that I can do in those idle time. Obviously, apart from taking a nap during the travel, I can do more tasks by that time.
No government documents and too long processes needed. Yes! Less paperwork on the hiring process. No more documents to secure. No more added processes to wait for. All you need is a simple test, interview, waiting time (it could take a couple of weeks the longest) and that’s it. You’re hired. Usually the trial period is a month for online jobs rather than 6 months in the companies which is huge by the way.
Payment is directly sent to me. Payments vary for online jobs. I receive payments weekly or based from the sent articles. Payments can also be done daily and is easily transferrable to your account so no more waiting for the 15-30 paydays.
No taxes, I mean government taxes. Yes! That’s right. The only taxes you will receive is from PayPal or from the bank account they are sending the payments to. No more government taxes. No more withholding taxes. That’s great news to hear.
Flexible time to work. Currently, on my online jobs right now, I control my time. I can work on my tasks anytime I like. No hassle. And I can manage time to do other things when I finish doing my tasks online.
New things to learn. This is definitely the major perk of being a freelancer or a work from homer. This is also my first time to do virtual assistance jobs. It was definitely hard to get a client at first since I don’t have any skills yet to become a virtual assistant. But even though I’m getting a bit of experience on it, there are so many things to learn and so many skills to enjoy. It is my first time to do Photoshop editing stuff and it was fun. I wanted to learn new things so that I can be versatile on other virtual assistant jobs when I applied for them.
And there are tons more!
It’s fun to learn more and add new things to your skills set. Every time I apply for a job, there are already quick responses and then hiring processes start.
It’s that fast and easy. Even though I applied I lot doesn’t mean I get them all. It’s like catching Pokémon. Sometimes you can catch them. Sometimes not.
Try to check it out. There is no harm in trying to do work from home jobs. You’ll get a lot of your time doing other things when you do.